Angil design is located on the island of Saipan, in the Commonwealth
of the Northern Mariana Island (CNMI), a US commonwealth. There are
three principal languages spoken on Saipan: Chamorro, Carolinian,
and English. The word Angil (pronounced ahn-geell) in Carolinian
means "wind," or more accurately "of the wind" or
with the wind."
The landscape in the technology realm is as changeable as the wind,
so as a company, we must be adaptable and change with the wind, hence
the name. Please read on and learn a little more about the islands.
Saipan lies at approximately 14.6 degrees N latitude
and 147 degrees E longitude. The average temperature year round
is 80 degrees Fahrenheit and varies no more than 10 degrees year
round. The Northern Mariana islands have the most consistent
climate on earth. The islands are home to an interesting diversity
of native birds and reptiles (with the exception of snakes, of
which there are none) and features world-class diving among the
many fringing coral reefs.
Another aspect of the wind which we embrace here is sailing. Trade winds blow in the Marianas from December through June and make for perfect sailing conditions.